Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.: Blog en-us Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C. (Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Thu, 07 Sep 2023 22:53:00 GMT Thu, 07 Sep 2023 22:53:00 GMT Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.: Blog 120 80 Lily Bell is 4 Lily has been waiting like CRAZY for her 4th Birthday! She wanted to have her pictures taken and so we used this dress her Nana and Auntie picked up at a yard sale. It's a size 8 lol. Way too big, but we made it work ;b. We decided to spend time in Gma and Gpa's magical garden. I call it the spider garden from the wild sidewalks gpa had put in for gma. This garden is special. Lily calls it the fairy garden. It has fairies... and butterflies. 

Where does the time go?


Lily Bell is 4

(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Sat, 12 Jun 2021 23:00:00 GMT
Frenchies I finally met Anna & Tyson's sweet little babies! A puppy bubble bath was requested by Anna. Last Saturday I picked up this vintage wash tub from Main Street Antiques in Marshalltown. Last minute I grabbed these adorbs handmade washcloths that I'd gotten last year from SaS & CO. We shot in front of a vintage sink with the door propped open for a little extra light. There were rainbow lights scattered acoss the floor from the window that made me want to have a window like that ;b. Some bubbles and a duckie from Anna completed the look. The curious pups were entertained and peanut butter was used for a little encouragement to stay put!

Here are some of our images. I feel like it was more of a Therapy session than a Photo session. ;b


Anna's Instagram for more Frenchie fun

Main-Street-Antiques-Marshalltown Facebook
SaS & Co Facebook



(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Fri, 12 Mar 2021 16:36:34 GMT

We will be having a photo challenge this year! See the checklist below. The checklist is mostly made up of everyday life and are meant to be meaningful to your life, this year. Share your submissions by using #SD21photochallenge. We can share our photos and encourage others. As we end the challenge, we can reflect upon the images and video, compile them or just keep them as memories. Of course, it is alright to submit more than one photo per category. At a later date, we might narrow them down and create something There might be a surprise.... 

Have fun!

Also, Here's a free printable 2021 calendar, just because :b


2021 Photo Challenge2021 photo challenge
2021 12 month calendar2021 12 month calendarPrint me! 2021 12 month calendar2021 12 month calendarPrint me!

(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) 2021 challenge photo Fri, 01 Jan 2021 14:00:00 GMT
2020... A WILD year 2020…

It’s been a WILD year! Start of a business, being essential workers during the Covid 19 Pandemic, being parents in a Covid 19 pandemic, being caregivers, A Derecho, Virtual Learning, Lost our oldest dog Tyson this spring but gained a new little pup, Chadwick this winter. It’s a little overwhelming recalling this years events but we've held each other tight and have learned many lessons. Here's some photos from our Holiday session. Quin & Lola were not in them but are doing well.

Although we may not always have our sanity, we are blessed to have each other, our health, home and all of you this year! Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays from our family to yours. We wish you a healthy and Joyful Holiday Season. See you in 2021!

All Love,

The Drapers  

Wildest. Year. Ever. Wildest. Year. Ever.
Wildest. Year. Ever.

Wildest. Year. Ever. Wildest. Year. Ever.

Wildest. Year. Ever. IMG_0830IMG_0830 IMG_0811 - CopyIMG_0811 - Copy
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Wildest. Year. Ever.
Wildest. Year. Ever.


(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Sun, 13 Dec 2020 18:14:26 GMT
Lily Bell is Three July, 12th 2020: Our youngest turned Three today. She wanted to pick some flowers for her "Birthday Party." Her brother helped quite a bit. We started a Pollinators garden this spring and have some wildflowers in our sad looking garden. It's enough to being us joy and for her to find new flowers every week. Some one woke up bright and early remembering that it's her Birthday but that allowed us to get out there early before it was too hot. There were bug bites, fussing and bribing with fruit snacks to get her to lay in the "damp" grass.... but we're okay with all of that ;b. I decided not to edit out a lot of things. I tend to want to try to make videos perfect but I keep thinking of my personal end goal and how I want to have little Memory Videos of milestones of our life and just everyday life. We went on a little day adventure for our son's birthday but there is so much footage I don't know where to start right now. I figure i'll keep it secure and have something to do later down the road. We've been at home mostly this summer due to the Virus situation. Blessed to have our life here at home and our health. Hope everyone is staying healthy and finding moments to enjoy!

Take Care, 


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(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Sun, 12 Jul 2020 16:45:00 GMT
Snowy April Morning We woke up to WHITE this morning. Hendric played outside instead of starting his school work. A late start Friday. Lily wanted to follow but since we already had her winter gear put away....I may have bribed her with my phone. She enjoyed looking out the back door though. Our rainbow is still on the back door. I can't wait until things are better so we can clean it off. I told the kids it could stay there until we no longer have to stay home all of the time. We will see. It is getting pretty yucky looking and Quinn keeps scratching at it. By the time I am posting this, the sun has melted nearly all of the snow. Our seasons are amazing. Last week we wore shorts and had the baby pool out. Looking forward to the nice weather weekend for needed outdoor time. untitled-4630untitled-4630 untitled-4634untitled-4634 untitled-4637untitled-4637 untitled-4638untitled-4638 untitled-4641untitled-4641 untitled-4643untitled-4643 untitled-4644untitled-4644 untitled-4647untitled-4647 untitled-4650untitled-4650 untitled-4653untitled-4653 untitled-4655untitled-4655 untitled-4659untitled-4659 untitled-4663untitled-4663 untitled-4669untitled-4669 untitled-4670untitled-4670 untitled-4674untitled-4674 untitled-4677untitled-4677 untitled-4683-2untitled-4683-2 untitled-4688untitled-4688

(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Fri, 17 Apr 2020 16:03:30 GMT
Easter 2020 It was a different type of Easter this year but we tried to make the best of it. We've had heavy hearts and have been thinking a lot about our loving cousin who passed away so suddenly. This morning we prepped the best Easter Dinner that we could and felt good to be able to send out some carefully prepared LOVING TO-GO meals to our local grandparents/ great-grandparents and a couple of friends who couldn't be with family. We ate dinner as a family of 4 here at home with our "fancy" dishes. Lily was excited about the teacups and her Easter dress. Hendric invited some fluffy pals to dinner and there was a little arguing, lots laughing and not many table manners ;b. There was way too much candy for all of us. Seriously! 

Wishing you all good health and lots of Love this Easter Evening. We hope that you all had a nice day (however you celebrated) while being safe and able to at least talk to those near and dear to your heart! 

Praying for those directly touched by the Corona Virus, thanks to those helping to keep us safe and faith that we will all stay strong and healthy through this. 

↓ ↓ ↓ Here are some photos of our Easter weekend here at home along with a photo of Rob (taken a couple of years ago) who's genuine kindness will be missed very much. 

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13558728_1042328162524162_3629362332082759726_o - CopyCousin Rob ♥Cousin Rob ♥

(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Mon, 13 Apr 2020 01:34:20 GMT
A Stunning Surprise I won something! I was surprised to see this post last week and giddy to see these two beauties outside my front door this morning, As were the kids. The pretty pink was ordered for my grandma. I can't wait to drop it off on her front porch later on. I have several places where this looks great in our house but I think it'll stay nestled in my tiny in progress photo area for now. Maybe it'll spark some creativity within me. lol.

Check out Sam's arrangements on Facebook: @ the.knotty.mama.IA or click on any of the photos below.

or ask her for something custom. She does amazing outdoor arrangements in the fall and winter you will have to check out too! 

Thanks Samantha!


i woni won


















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(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Wed, 08 Apr 2020 19:12:56 GMT
Field Trip to the Courthouse We planned a trip uptown to watch the New Dome go up to its rightful spot, on top of the Marshalltown Courthouse. I was a bit nervous of the possibility of large crowds so we went early and found a great parking spot. We had planned on staying inside the car but found that we were easily able to navigate our way a little closer while maintaining good distance from others. I brought my 70-200mm and got some nice shots and some less than professional video clips. :b We saw a few familiar faces. It was such a perfect day and i could tell that it did a lot of good for people to get out. I think people did a nice job staying apart and in their own family clusters. It is exciting to see the Dome go back up. Everyone did a great job with it! On our way out we stopped to look at the new Mural created by The Art Shack. The kids wanted to get out of the car but I said maybe later when its all done and less people were around. Follow the Art Shack on Facebook by clicking on their photos. Pretty amazing local artist! Great Job Marshalltown! #MarshalltownStrong Click any courthouse photo to visit the Marshalltown Central Business District Facebook page. Like & Follow for fun in the district! 


untitled-3990untitled-3990 untitled-3984untitled-3984 untitled-4059untitled-4059 untitled-4035untitled-4035Tinker Bell's Owner :) untitled-4034untitled-4034Tinker Bell untitled-4072untitled-4072 untitled-4064untitled-4064 untitled-4112untitled-4112 untitled-4086untitled-4086 untitled-4083untitled-4083

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(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Wed, 01 Apr 2020 01:36:05 GMT
Sharing this sign! Hi,

I seen a couple of Irma's gorgeous signs when I documented Baby Violet's First Birthday Cake Smash. I was very impressed by them so reached out to her just after my niece was born. I could tell right away that Irma was a kind person and I had no doubt that she would do her best to make it perfect. She had it to me so quickly and it looks great. The colors were exactly as i asked. Somehow, it turned out even better! Hopefully this is something that little Birdie will be able to keep for a long time. I will share some sweet photos of her after they are processed and mama & papa have gotten a chance to look at them. 

This is a 16'' sign.

Check out Irma's work on Facebook and like her page: 

Sips And Giggles Design - Just click on one of the photos

Sips & Giggles Design - Group Page



untitled-3683Sign by Sips & Giggles Design untitled-3683Sign by Sips & Giggles Design untitled-3683Sign by Sips & Giggles Design untitled-3683Sign by Sips & Giggles Design


(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) & Design Giggles Sips Mon, 23 Mar 2020 03:21:24 GMT
Lily Bell & her Little Bed We’ve talked about getting Lily a new bed. I browsed the internet last night for big girl beds. We talked about a couple and found a couple of reasonable options. I believe we switched Henry over to a twin sized bed just before he turned 3. He had the same crib/ toddler bed. It seemed like a good time to switch him and he started sleeping better right away. Today I cleaned about HALF of Lily’s room to take a photo of her old crib/ toddler bed to sell. I asked her, “Do you want a big girl bed? A big bed like Henry?” She replied, “Well, Henry is a big boy so he has a big bed and I am just a little girl sooo I need just a little bed.” She interfered with the photos I tried to take and had to show me how much she loves her bed. ;b. Then she played with the puzzle her Aunt Laina got her and Butter the cat. We had fun, danced around and got some cute photos/ video.

Oh Bittersweet! Our “little” Girl is almost out of her little bed… LILY BED LILY BED



(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Wed, 04 Mar 2020 22:34:39 GMT
ONE Sweet Girl Violet is One This girl is loved by all! Of course, I know items are not needed to make things special but they sure do make things extra fun. I think she will enjoy looking back at these when she is a big girl. I apologize, the video is a bit shaky. I had so much fun watching her I was less focused on stabilizing :). I really enjoy photographing items as well as people so this was a bonus for me this session! I'd now like to give credit to the ladies who made these beautiful props/ cake and the incredibly talented grandma that helped pull it all together. 

Cake: Sweet smells by Mel

Custom Signs: Sips & Giggles (Irma)

Adorable Antique Chairs & decor: Industrial Lace - Jessica  Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE   Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE Sweet ONE



(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) 1st Birthday Cake Smash Industrial Lace Sips& Giggles (Irma) Sweet Smells by Mel Fri, 07 Feb 2020 17:00:00 GMT
Merry Christmas! 2019 xmas card2019 xmas cardOur Holiday Card by MPIX.




We’ve loved receiving all of the Christmas cards this year with your beautiful photos. So creative and unique to each family! Thanks so much for thinking of us. 

Wishing you a Merry Christmas!🎄



(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Wed, 25 Dec 2019 15:00:00 GMT
Keepsake Newborn Video A Newborn Lifestyle video session is the perfect, stress free way to capture the newness of your baby while also preserving that special & authentic interaction between baby & parents. A lot can be accidentally be left out when just focusing on newborn photos. There’s just so much beautiful change going on during this time with the whole family!

In the future I'll be visiting homes of new babies & documenting this love to the best of my abilities! Our babies change so quickly. This is another reason having these tiny videos can mean so much!

We simply can't hold them when they are this tiny for long and do our best to remember every small detail. However, when we look back on documented memories, we quickly realize all that has already been forgotten while we were focused on nurturing them as they grow. 

I am excited that each video session will be one of a kind with a handful of lifestyle photos to go along with the finished memory video. Looking forward to meeting more little ones and witnessing this love first hand.

I believe every family has a great keepsake video to be made. Whether it's everyday life at home or a special day like a new baby meet & greet! I'd love to hear & support your ideas!



Introducing ArlieA short sweet keepsake video for Arlie & her family.

(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) keepsake video newborn Thu, 30 May 2019 11:47:47 GMT
My Mother's Day Memory Video Making memory videos!

Daddy Draper and the kiddos gave me the best Mother's Day present. Instead of my annual mother's day photo shoot, we did some video. I'm loving this & I'm am excited to continue better my technique with more experience.  I know it's a little cheesy but it makes us all smile & i am pretty sure it will down the road as well. That's what matters! 

What are your family memory video ideas? 



My Mother's Day 2019Memory Video of Mother's Day 2019

(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Sat, 18 May 2019 23:57:49 GMT
A Mother's Love 2019 Collection I'd like to thank all my beautiful mamas for coming out with me this year. I loved spending time with you & the genuine bond between you & your children was so evident. I hope you'll reflect on these moments many years from now and smile. I plan to continue the tradition of mother's photo/ video in the upcoming years!



(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Mon, 13 May 2019 00:47:09 GMT
Drake 2019 My first time at the Drake Relays was to watch my sister and her team. Only my second time at Drake. (My first was to watch Damien graduate). She ran and jumped her heart out taking 2nd place in the long jump 1st in the 4x400 with her team! Proud sister here.


(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Sun, 28 Apr 2019 13:00:00 GMT
Happy Easter Easter Morning is one of my favorite times of the year! This weather couldn't have been more amazing today and it's a good thing the Easter Bunny had enough energy to get to it this morning.

Our kiddos will never be almost 6 and almost 2 again! Although our days are pretty busy and often messy, I try everyday to slow down and focus on the way things are, today.

Wishing you all a Wonderful Easter!

-Shanna basketbasket


(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Easter Fri, 12 Apr 2019 16:15:00 GMT
Head in the CLoUdS! News!

After studying and passing my remote pilot knowledge test… I am officially airborne with my UAS License (FAA- Certified Drone Pilot). My plan is to introduce some Aerial footage into some of my videos. Higher Perspectives!

I feel like I have just brushed clouds surface and peeked into a magical world of AIR SPACE. I’ve learned how to navigate Agronomical Charts & Legends, Decode Aviation Weather Reports and reviewed particular regulations just for the commercial UAS pilot. All of this was way over my head at first (pun intended), however, I am glad I took the leap and hope to use it from time to time in the future.

P.S. I am a newbie flyer so I fly at low altitudes for now. I’ll try and keep my head out of the clouds!



(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Sun, 17 Mar 2019 00:15:00 GMT
Another Snow Day After a few days of being cooped up from the school related weather closings, our son finally got to get out of the house! I sent him over to the neighbor's house to return the bottle of vanilla I borrowed for cream cheese frosting the night before. I watched him walk over, say Hi to the dogs and make the his delivery. He discovered an icicle from the railing of their front porch, snapped it off, and headed towards home. When he returned to our side of the fence he began to frolic in the snow. I had no intentions on photographing him, (especially since I was still recovering from my surgery the week before that), but watching him play in the pure white, fluffy snow reminded me of doing so when I was a little girl. I am so glad that I stepped outside with my slippers and my camera, I really enjoyed watching him. Seeing any signs of tension disappear into the snow. He was feeling generous after playing and helped shovel some snow from our front walkway. His little sister watching curiously from the doorway. 



(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Thu, 24 Jan 2019 18:00:00 GMT
Happy Holidays! perfect1Perfection! Hello all,

Christmas is approaching, FAST. The older I get, the faster they seem to come. Back to back... bam. bam. bam! It's so easy to get tied up trying to achieve perfection. I'm guilty of it as well! I must say I do love keeping myself occupied with tedious, "non important" details (non cleaning related of course). Creating things, editing, shopping. Sometimes it's fun and healthy but its easy to get carried away, causing extra unneeded stress and nearly abandoning your family! Joking... but almost serious. There's always so much to do. In this time our kids are growing, parents aging and we are changing as well. Everyday. My passion is capturing moments from everyday life but the Holidays are extra special. They present us with great opportunities with families together and short lasting seasonal joys! I challenge you to take more photos and be in them as well. Don't stress about how you look or if they are perfect or not. You will look at them years down the road and probably love them. If you don't...then I'm sure your loved ones will cherish them someday when you are not able to be in them anymore. 

I know I'll be shooting for simplicity this season. Taking extra time to spend with the loves of my life and to reflect upon what I am grateful for. We will see what happens ;). I hope you are able to take extra time for yourself and whats/ who's most important to you. 

I hope you all find great joy in imperfection this holiday season!


(Shanna Draper Photo & Video, L.L.C.) Wed, 05 Dec 2018 18:21:22 GMT