Field Trip to the Courthouse

March 31, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

We planned a trip uptown to watch the New Dome go up to its rightful spot, on top of the Marshalltown Courthouse. I was a bit nervous of the possibility of large crowds so we went early and found a great parking spot. We had planned on staying inside the car but found that we were easily able to navigate our way a little closer while maintaining good distance from others. I brought my 70-200mm and got some nice shots and some less than professional video clips. :b We saw a few familiar faces. It was such a perfect day and i could tell that it did a lot of good for people to get out. I think people did a nice job staying apart and in their own family clusters. It is exciting to see the Dome go back up. Everyone did a great job with it! On our way out we stopped to look at the new Mural created by The Art Shack. The kids wanted to get out of the car but I said maybe later when its all done and less people were around. Follow the Art Shack on Facebook by clicking on their photos. Pretty amazing local artist! Great Job Marshalltown! #MarshalltownStrong Click any courthouse photo to visit the Marshalltown Central Business District Facebook page. Like & Follow for fun in the district! 


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untitled-4118untitled-4118The Art Shack
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